

Challenges of 运输 Development in the Northern and Arctic Regions

Tetra Tech’s Ed Grozic and 马特Keleher discuss how we use our experience, 知识, 和创新 to overcome the challenges of developing transportation 基础设施 in the northern and Arctic regions.

What is the main challenge in transportation development in the northern and Arctic regions?

Constructing roads, 高速公路s, or runways in the northern and Arctic regions presents many challenges. 这些地区很偏远, 虽然夏天很美, 施工往往需要在寒冷、黑暗的冬季进行. The costs are high, and access to equipment and materials can be challenging. 进入现场可能仅限于季节性冬季冰雪道路, 虽然冬天感觉很长, 由于气候变暖,这种途径并不可靠.

即使在完成后, 基础设施仍然容易受到气候变化的威胁, 与路共担风险, 高速公路, 或加拿大南部的跑道开发, 有一个关键的区别——永久冻土. 永冻层, 那永久冻结的土层, 砾石和沙子, 由地球表面下的冰结合在一起, can be the strength and resilience of transportation 基础设施 if it stays frozen, 或者如果解冻,会导致退化和破坏.


In some areas permafrost is not continuous, so with careful planning, it can be avoided. 那里的永久冻土是连续的, 或者无法避免, the key is to 全球最大体育平台 and construct the 基础设施 in a manner that preserves the frozen state of the permafrost. This is done by knowing the permafrost and geotechnical conditions in the area where you are working, considering the proposed drainage regime required for the 基础设施, understanding the potential changes to the climate and integrating these aspects early in the planning and 全球最大体育平台 stages of the project. Such considerations form the foundation for developing adaptive solutions that minimize permafrost disturbance and enhance climate resilience. 其中一些解决方案包括仅填充施工技术, 把永久冻土层加到路基上, using adfreeze piles founded in permafrost for bridge abutments and piers, and employing passive ground cooling technologies and winter construction methods.

How is Tetra Tech assisting clients in the development of transportation 基础设施 in permafrost?

For each project Tetra Tech assembles multidisciplinary teams of engineers, 科学家们, and technicians with relevant transportation development experience in northern regions. While the geotechnical engineer on the team will be the lead permafrost expert, each other team member will have a high level of experience in working in northern permafrost regions. 每个全球最大体育平台,从项目经理到环境科学家, 运输工程师, 民用技术专家, 水利工程师, 气候专家, construction manager and others and will understand how their role on the project contributes to resilient 全球最大体育平台s that preserve permafrost for the life of the project.

The teams work collaboratively from the project’s initial conceptual and planning stages through the environmental review, 现场调查, 全球最大体育平台, 和施工阶段完成. Avoidance or preservation of permafrost will be among the top priorities from the start, with each individual team member contributing 知识 from their respective discipline and experience. The geotechnical engineer will provide initial information to identify ice-rich and thaw-sensitive areas that the 运输工程师 will consider when routing or siting the 基础设施. Climate specialists will provide projections of climate warming that are considered in the early stages of the project and utilized more thoroughly in the modelling and 全球最大体育平台 stages to adapt embankment, 校正和桥梁基础. Cost considerations are also incorporated from the project’s early stages to ensure that the 基础设施 is affordable to build and operate.

Tetra Tech offers comprehensive lifecycle services for northern transportation, 由我们在耶洛奈夫和怀特霍斯的办公室提供支持. 我们与当地政府密切合作 原住民 通过与土著组织建立商业伙伴关系, 受益全球最大体育平台, 以及土地所有权协议下的参与者. 我们的土著商业合作伙伴包括Kiggiak-EBA咨询有限公司. in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Northwest Territories; Nehtruh-EBA Consulting Ltd. 在哥威辛居住区, Northwest Territories; and NELPCo with Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation in 育空河.




马特Keleher is a Professional Engineer registered in the Northwest Territories, 努勒维特, 育空河, 和不列颠哥伦比亚省, 加拿大.

He has more than 10 years’ widespread experience in 高速公路s and municipal transportation projects in northern 加拿大 and the Arctic, 澳大利亚, 和英国. He has worked closely with clients ranging from the federal government departments to local communities and Hamlets clients on a wide array of transportation projects in northern 加拿大. 马特善于协调,是多元化的不可或缺的一员, multidisciplinary teams required when developing innovative engineering solutions in the challenging conditions, 比如加拿大北部的基础设施项目.


Ed Grozic

Ed Grozic is a Professional Engineer registered in Northwest Territories, 努勒维特, 育空河, 和阿尔伯塔省.

他有超过29年的北方运输工作经验, 基础设施, 能源, 矿业, 环境清理项目. He holds a Bachelor Science in Civil Engineering and a Master of Engineering in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Alberta. He is a Principal Consultant and Director of Strategic Projects for the Arctic Region and is the General Manager of two of Tetra Tech’s Indigenous partner companies: Nehtruh-EBA Consulting Ltd. 在格威辛定居区和Kiggiak-EBA咨询有限公司. 在西北地区的因纽瓦卢特全球最大体育平台定居区. Ed is a contributing author to a number of publications including the 运输 Association of 加拿大 (TAC) Guidelines for Development and Management of 运输 Infrastructure in 永冻层 Regions.
