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《亚洲最大体育平台》碳市场正蓄势待发. Are They Working?

利乐全球最大体育平台的 罗德里戈·查帕罗, 高级气候顾问, takes stock of how the carbon finance options defined at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) are working and which countries are implementing carbon trading projects.
This article follows a three-article series from 2022 exploring how 《亚洲最大体育平台》第六条 can spur the clean energy transition.


根据世界银行的数据 碳定价仪表板, nearly one quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are now covered by some type of carbon pricing. Global revenues from emissions trading and carbon taxes soared to $100 billion by the end of 2022. As of June 2023, 73 emissions trading systems (ETS) had been implemented worldwide—a number that continues to climb.

Bar graph displaying the evolution of global revenues from carbon taxes denoted by a solid bar and emissions trading systems denoted by a striped bar
全球碳税和碳排放交易体系收入随时间的演变(World Bank. 2023. 2023年碳定价现状与趋势. 华盛顿:世界银行. doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-2006-9. 许可:知识共享署名CC BY 3.0 IGO)

那么,碳市场是否有效呢? 如果数字不会说谎,那么答案一定是肯定的.”

碳定价有利于绿色创新, 迫使那些燃烧化石燃料的国家处于竞争劣势. 《亚洲最大体育平台》第六条 COP26通过的规则使碳市场机制更加标准化, transparent, and fair. This prompted governments and international development actors to crank up the pace on deploying Article 6 frameworks, generating the momentum and structure needed to implement specific carbon trading projects.


Japan launched the 《亚洲最大体育平台》第六条执行伙伴关系 (A6IP)在2022年11月的COP27上. The A6IP’s goal for this year is to deliver a capacity-building program that supports operationalization of Article 6. Capacity building further enables emerging economies to join high-income nations in adopting carbon trading.

为此,A6IP发布 Sharing Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Capacity Building for Implementation of Article 6,这是第27届缔约方会议官方会外活动的成果汇编. 其三个专题工作组-授权, reporting, 跟踪的目标是分享过程, 制度安排, 以及各国用来实施第六条的工具.

A6IP的会员名单增长迅速. As of April, it included more than 60 countries; 6 United Nations agencies; 4 major multilateral development banks; and more than a dozen organizations. 利乐全球最大体育平台在A6IP发布后立即加入了A6IP.

七国集团气候、能源和环境部长会议通过了《亚洲最大体育平台》 高诚信碳市场原则,同时宣布成立 第六条实施伙伴中心 全球环境战略研究所(IGES). These efforts aim to facilitate Article 6 deployment by addressing common challenges and offering solutions. AI6P将在COP28上展示其进展.


在作战方面,日本继续推进其军事力量的部署 联合信贷机制. 同样,瑞士也在其 双边气候协定, which set the framework and requirements for recognition of Internationally Traded Mitigation Outcomes (ITMO) and established a legal basis for commercial contracts between buyers and sellers of emission reductions. 到目前为止,瑞士政府已经签署了12项双边协议, 包括两个已经注册的,一个在 smart agriculture 第二个是在泰国的电动公交车上 ,将有助减少约50万吨二氧化碳排放2 by 2030.” South Korea is also conducting Article 6 bilateral negotiations with major GHG emitters, while 新加坡和巴布亚新几内亚 签署了一份同样目的的谅解备忘录.


Aquiring Country国家转移
JapanAzerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lao PDR, Maldives, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Uzbekistan
Republic of KoreaMongolia, Vietnam

Article 6.2 .截至2023年4月1日的双边协定(World Bank. 2023. 2023年碳定价现状与趋势. 华盛顿:世界银行. doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-2006-9. 许可:知识共享署名CC BY 3.0 IGO)

Article 6 established “corresponding adjustments” as an accounting mechanism to avoid double counting of emission reductions. Countries transferring ITMOs must add an equivalent amount to their emission levels in their biannual transparency reports. At the same time, 使用减排措施的国家可以从其排放水平中减去这一数额. Only ITMOs officially authorized by countries will be subject to corresponding adjustments. 获得相应调整的项目是双边买家的主要目标.

一种稍微不同的双边方法是 支持第六条合作的准备工作 (SPAR6C),价值2000万欧元(约合2000万美元).由德国资助的9400万美元的项目. SPAR6C supports countries to participate in the Article 6 carbon markets without a bilateral obligation to exchange ITMOs with Germany. 该项目侧重于长期规划, 机构准备, pilot design, and knowledge sharing, 受益者包括赞比亚, Colombia, Pakistan, and Thailand. SPAR6C旨在促进结构的建立, procedures, 以及这四个国家的监管框架. SPAR6C下生成的itmo则不是, in principle, 原计划由德国政府退役, 因此有可能与其他国家进行贸易.


在马拉维通过现代烹饪促进健康森林, we are assessing options for switching from fossil fuels to sustainable bioenergy resources in thermal generation and electricity production at agro-industrial companies. Our experts evaluate two factors: the potential carbon credits generated by the fuel switch and the feasibility of using Article 6 mechanisms to generate additional sources of revenue. The results might help the Government of Malawi produce a case study for presentation at COP28. Such a study could lay the foundation for the development of regulations and an institutional framework for deployment and scaling up of Article 6.2, which governs the cooperative approaches between countries and private sector companies.

In Zambia, under the 木炭的替代品 program, Tetra Tech’s sustainable energy finance team is compiling a history of carbon markets and their application to clean cooking, an area that has been the subject of intense criticism due to concerns about lack of transparency, 利益分配不公, 过高估计项目中的碳信用额. The aim is to analyze the business models of clean cooking carbon finance programs and assess how these same programs could be implemented under the new Article 6 market mechanisms in a way that brings more local benefits, 增强亚洲最大体育平台信心, 为赞比亚实施清洁烹饪计划奠定了基础.

第6条先锋的一部分, Tetra Tech’s climate change team is building capacity around Article 6 by initiating projects that will be among the first to implement its mechanisms. We stand ready to help governments and market players assess carbon markets in their countries and determine the best use of Article 6 to facilitate the energy transition.

Read more from Rodrigo about how 《亚洲最大体育平台》第六条 can spur the clean energy transition:

About the author


Rodrigo Chaparro


Rodrigo has more than 20 years of experience implementing cost-effective solutions that promote growth with minimum climate impact. 他为能源投资部署了风险缓解工具, 脱碳项目的融资机制, and technical and policy solutions for renewable energy and energy efficiency applications.

罗德里戈在管理国际捐助者的重大倡议方面拥有丰富的经验, 包括多边银行, the U.S. 政府,联合国,日本和丹麦的援助机构. 在美洲开发银行, he led the implementation of the Energy Savings Insurance Program and supported the design of new loans and technical assistance in sustainable transport and battery energy storage.

Rodrigo holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Colombia. He has lived in Colombia, Germany, and the United States and is fluent in English and Spanish.

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